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Ensuring Retail Success at the Edge

By Matt Francis | Posted on July 28, 2022 | Posted in Enterprise IT and Infrastructure

Today’s retail customers have come to expect increasingly quick, convenient, and frictionless digital experiences, a demand which can be met by data-driven solutions at the edge. 

Retail IT teams, including IT leadership, are frequently responsible for delivering these transformative edge solutions, including features such as smart payments and checkouts, customer footfall/traffic flow analysis, and responsive merchandising.

In our new eBook, Is Your Retail IT Ready To Deliver Transformative Edge Business Outcomes?, we’ve collected data and statistics on the current connected retail edge. Learn what enables it, which factors are spurring enterprises to embrace it, and more. It’s a great resource for organizations looking for ways to deliver the cutting-edge experiences their customers want.

This excerpt breaks down the numbers on what’s really important to modern-day retail enterprises:

Choosing the right edge products and services is critical – impacted by cost, architecture and infrastructure management considerations.

Redapt - Ensuring Retail Success at the Edge - Edge Attributes At Redapt, we know that getting the edge right is crucial to your success as a retail enterprise. Are you interested in building better relationships with your customers and strengthening their interactions with your brand? Are you also looking for ways to cut your costs and reduce losses? Do you want your retail IT team to have access to all the resources they need to deploy your workloads at the edge? 

Our new eBook provides you with data and insights on current trends and considerations, helping you ensure your organization gets the most out of the edge.
