Many companies now approach marketing as a method to convert prospects into more than just customers but loyalists. They consider the total life-cycle value of the customer’s interaction with the brand versus a one- time sale. A recent Forbes article lists six ways in which marketers can increase brand loyalty and productivity using AI.
Personalized Advertising
Coupling artificial intelligence with social media can help marketers create targeted ads that feel personal for customers. In recent weeks, targeted advertising has been cast in a nefarious light due to the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
However, when used responsibly, targeted ads can make people feel more connected to the brands they like. AI allows marketers to create and automate targeted ads on a granular level. Its role in advertising is to track consumer variables that constantly change in real time.
Automating Elements of Customer Service
Consumers are increasingly accustomed to interacting with some form of AI when shopping online. They may even interface with AI in brick and mortar environments. AI can help shoppers narrow search results based on previous preferences or inferred preferences from collected data.
Chatbots for Answering Questions
In a previous article, we discuss how chatbots can enhance customer service. By fielding simple requests or questions in the initial stages of customer interactions, chatbots can help guide the customer to a product they want to buy or set them up in the proper customer service channels for escalation.
Not only does this save the customer time, but it also frees up internal resources for more value-added activities.
Social Listening
A brand’s reputation can either flourish or plummet based on reputations perpetuated on social media. Brands can leverage AI to scan social media sites to manage negative or constructive feedback from online communities.
Empowering your Workforce
The conversation surrounding AI and its impact on the workforce tends to be pessimistic. However, the article cites a study conducted by ServiceNow that concludes nearly 80% of executives believe automation will actually lead to job creation. While consumers and end-users are becoming more accustomed to virtual assistants, they still appreciate and prefer working with other people to figure out their products.
Automating certain processes and customer service elements, employees can take the time to learn new skills and provide even more value to their customers.
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