
Technology Blog - Redapt | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (4)

How to Bring Your ISV Application to the Cloud

How to Bring Your ISV Application to the Cloud

It’s one of the ironies of business: the more popular your product becomes, the harder it is to keep up with demand.

Even products we don’t normally think of as dependent upon traditional logistics,...

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AI & Analytics While Ensuring Data Privacy, Compliance, and Security

AI & Analytics While Ensuring Data Privacy, Compliance, and Security

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 6, 2020 and has been recently updated to include the latest insights and best practices.

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Building a Solid Cloud Adoption Framework for 2021

Building a Solid Cloud Adoption Framework for 2021

Over the past year, the need to expand remote work capabilities has forced a great many enterprises to accelerate their cloud adoption plans.

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The Key Difference Between Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics

The Key Difference Between Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics

Note: This post was originally published on March 19, 2020, and has been updated with new information.

Information, as they say, is power.

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How Managed Analytics Services Is Key to Getting Insights from Data Quickly

How Managed Analytics Services Is Key to Getting Insights from Data Quickly

As the availability and usage of data has exploded in recent years, many enterprises have struggled to fully leverage the amount of information they now have at their disposal.

It’s one thing to...

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Why You Need a Data Maturity Model

Why You Need a Data Maturity Model

Effectively putting data to work in your organization takes more than simply hiring data scientists to crank out models. 

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Maximizing Your Retail Business with Advanced Analytics

Maximizing Your Retail Business with Advanced Analytics

Editor's Note: This blog post was originally published on July 2, 2018 and has been updated for the newest trends and information.

As retail patterns have had to pivot 360 degrees, with most...

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2020: The Year of Remote Work Culture

2020: The Year of Remote Work Culture

2020 has brought about a lot of changes—most of them unwelcome. For most businesses, one of those changes was the shift, almost overnight, to having a remote workforce. 

Redapt was one of them.

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The Quiet Power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

The Quiet Power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Every business has its own list of mundane tasks. Forms that need to be filled out, data that needs to be cataloged, calculations that need to be made, and so on. 

These tasks are not just...

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Common AI/ML Performance Bottlenecks...And How to Solve Them

Common AI/ML Performance Bottlenecks...And How to Solve Them

Data is just one of the common bottlenecks to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) projects. An even bigger hurdle—one that trips up most enterprises—is actually putting AI and ML...

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