
Technology Blog - Redapt | Cloud Migration and Adoption (7)

10 Ways Pivotal Container Service Simplifies Kubernetes for VMware Shops

10 Ways Pivotal Container Service Simplifies Kubernetes for VMware Shops

The GA release of Pivotal Container Service (PKS) by Pivotal, VMware, and Google Cloud was an interesting development in the cloud-native ecosystem. We go into more detail on how it changes the game...

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Common Pitfalls Companies Face When Moving to the Cloud (and How to Avoid Them)

Common Pitfalls Companies Face When Moving to the Cloud (and How to Avoid Them)

From a high level, migrating to the cloud can seem deceptively simple. Take the data and applications you have on premises, then drop them into the cloud platform of your choice. Easy-peasy, right?


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A Big Thanks to CIO Review

A Big Thanks to CIO Review

We’re both excited and honored that Redapt has been named one of this year’s “Most Promising AWS Solution Providers” by CIO Review.

In their announcement about us and our work (which you can...

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Making a Smarter Transition to the Google Cloud Platform

Making a Smarter Transition to the Google Cloud Platform

While all the major cloud providers offer the same baseline storage and ease of scale, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has some unique characteristics to entice organizations.

One of those...

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The Evolving Hybrid Cloud

The Evolving Hybrid Cloud

In the past few years, the major cloud providers have invested in products intended to promote the hybrid cloud approach. Think Google Anthos, Azure Arc, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)...

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When It Comes to Adopting New Tech, Always Be Prepared

When It Comes to Adopting New Tech, Always Be Prepared

Enterprise technology is a big investment.

Beyond purchasing new hardware and software, you often need to spend a substantial amount of money on training or bringing expertise in-house.

Because of...

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Strengthen Your Google Cloud Governance

Strengthen Your Google Cloud Governance

Once your enterprise has migrated to Google Cloud Platform (GCP), the work really begins.

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Think Big. How the Cloud Can Improve Business Performance

Think Big. How the Cloud Can Improve Business Performance

“Science, my boy, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make because they lead little by little to the truth.”

This quote is from Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of...

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Your Cloud Strategy Is Not Delivering the Expected Benefits. Now What?

Your Cloud Strategy Is Not Delivering the Expected Benefits. Now What?

When an organization decides to adopt the cloud, it’s usually driven by the desire to hit three big goals: efficiency increased innovation, and cost savings.

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Crafting a Multi-Cloud Strategy

Crafting a Multi-Cloud Strategy

Going multi-cloud can bring a number of benefits. Chief among them is flexibility in running your workloads.

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