Azure Migration
Migrating to a cloud environment can introduce many unknowns and potential setbacks, but with the right resources, it doesn't have to.
Leverage Azure-native tools along with Redapt's proprietary migration technology to create an experience tailored to the needs of your business.
Develop a solid migration plan
Take your data, applications, and workload to Azure following best practices.
Fully tested environments
Hit the ground running after migration with a fully tested and optimized environment in Azure.
Control your cloud spend
Keep your cloud spend under control with expert guidance on optimization of your Azure environments.
Package overview
Workload analysis
Our team will work with you to define and prioritize workloads for migration to Azure.
Governance and security guidance
We will provide you with full governance and security building blocks, as well as a landing zone for your migration.
We will thoroughly test your new Azure environments before migration to ensure your applications, data, and workloads have a safe place to land.
Our experts will oversee the design of your architecture, migrate your data and applications to Azure, and train your teams to manage your environments going forward.
Get started with Azure Migration
Contact us about Azure Migration
Get in touch directly:
(425) 882-0400