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Enterprise DevOps Solutions

Getting your IT operations and code developers to work together harmoniously is a requirement for keeping your development pipeline moving smoothly.

DevOps culture, tools, and processes can help you do just this—align the goals and processes of the IT team to adopt a new mindset that radiates throughout your organization. We can help you devise a DevOps strategy that not only leads to better collaboration and quicker product releases but that also drives innovation, speed, and agility throughout your company.

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DevOps solutions

Whether you build an in-house DevOps team or invest in an outsourced one, we’ll help identify a DevOps solution that allow you to develop applications in less time and foster a team that is collaborative and creative—and a company that is competitive.



What are the key components of DevOps?
  • The key components of DevOps are continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices that automatically build, test, and deploy code changes. These practices include:
  • Collaboration: DevOps relies on strong collaboration between development and operations teams, as well as other stakeholders such as testers, designers, and business analysts.
  • Automation: Automation is a critical component of DevOps, as it allows teams to build, test, and deploy code changes faster and more consistently.
  • Monitoring and observability: DevOps teams use monitoring and observability tools to track the performance and stability of their applications in production.
  • Culture: A DevOps culture is one that values collaboration, communication, and a focus on continuous improvement. This culture is often supported by a set of practices and tools that enable teams to work effectively together.
  • Lean principles: DevOps teams often use lean principles to optimize their processes and eliminate waste. This includes practices such as reducing lead time, improving flow, and maximizing value.
  • Lean management: DevOps teams often use lean management principles to prioritize work, optimize resource utilization, and continuously improve their processes.
What is Enterprise DevOps?

Enterprise DevOps is the practice of adapting DevOps principles and practices to the needs of large, complex organizations. It involves applying the principles of collaboration, automation, monitoring, and continuous improvement to the development and operations of software systems in an enterprise setting.

Enterprise DevOps requires a shift in mindset and culture, as well as the adoption of tools and practices that enable teams to work effectively across large, distributed organizations. This may include tools and practices such as agile methodologies, automated testing and deployment pipelines, and collaborative work management tools.

Successful implementation of Enterprise DevOps requires buy-in and participation from all levels of the organization, including executives, managers, and individual contributors. It also requires a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, as well as the willingness to experiment and adapt to new tools and practices as they emerge.

What are some enterprise DevOps solutions?

Collaborative work management tools: These tools, such as JIRA and Asana, allow teams to plan, track, and discuss work across the development and operations process.

Version control systems: These systems, such as Git, allow teams to manage and track code changes and collaborate on code development.

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools: These tools, such as Jenkins and CircleCI, automate the process of building, testing, and deploying code changes.

Monitoring and observability tools: These tools, such as New Relic and Datadog, allow teams to track the performance and stability of their applications in production.

Infrastructure as code (IaC) tools: These tools, such as Terraform and CloudFormation, allow teams to manage and provision infrastructure resources using code, enabling them to automate the process of deploying and managing applications.

Containerization tools: These tools, such as Docker and Kubernetes, allow teams to package applications and their dependencies into container images, enabling them to be easily deployed and managed across different environments.

Test automation tools: These tools, such as Selenium and Appium, allow teams to automate the process of testing applications, helping to ensure that code changes do not introduce new bugs or regressions.


Curious how DevOps can help cut the tension while increasing innovation?

Maybe your developers are trying to get new features to market. But your IT operations team is concerned about downtime. Eliminate the strain between the teams—and tasks—with DevOps. With stronger collaboration and automated application development, any barriers will dissolve.

Keep reading to find out how you can implement a DevOps solution that satisfies everyone on your team.

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